The Hill I’ll Die On

Gabe Beasley
Apr 25, 2024
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

I don’t know why this came to mind, but in my opinion, if someone can’t see or comprehend functioning as a borderless, moneyless society, then there’s a lot of unlearning that individual needs to do.

I just thought about this and it made me realize how attached to money most people really are. I’ve discussed this with 4 people and no one is able to see how it’s possible. I can understand but I’ll never agree.

It takes a shit ton of emotional, mental, and psychological growth as a society and species in general. But the fact it’s not impossible means it can be done. There was a period where we didn’t have money, and I hope we live long enough for the day we get back to that.



Gabe Beasley

Writer, digital artist, life-long martial artist, Scorpio, and Existentialist. INTP